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Peja Y ndodhet 15 minuta në këmbe nga qendra e qytetit të Pejës, ndodhet në qendrën e re rinore të Pejës, në oborrin e Shkollës Dardania.


YMCA në Pejë punon qysh prej vitit 2015, kurse në vendndodhjen e tanishme është vendosur në vitin 2019.


Aktualisht qendra ka rreth 180 të rinj aktiv nëpër programet si: Leadership, Tensing, Y WoMan, Building Bridges, si dhe aktivitete vullnetare të cilat ndodhin më rallë si netë të filmit, apo Y Caffe.





Peja Y is situated 15 minutes walking distance from Peja city center, is  located in the new Peja Youth Center, in the yard of the Dardania School.


The YMCA in Peja has been operating since 2015, and its current location is set in 2019.


The center currently has about 180 young people active in programs such as Leadership, Tensing, Y WoMan, Building Bridges, as well as volunteer activities that occur less frequently as film nights, or Y Caffe.


Peja Y

Str. Ded Krasniqi- Qendra Rinore Dardania, Peje, 30 000. Republic of Kosovo.

Tel: 045 474 453


TEL: +383 390 320 000


Të jemi një lëvizje gjithëpërfshirëse ku njerzit zhvillohen në mendje, trup dhe shpirt. 


To be an inclusive movement where people grow in mind, body and spirit.

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National Office & Prishtina YMCA

74.Rr. Zenel Salihu Nr.1/14-1,


Peja Region YMCA  (Includes Decan)

Str. Ded Krasniqi- Qendra Rinore Dardania, Peje, 30 000.


Gjakova Y (Includes Junik & Rahovec)

Str. Ismail Qemali p.n,

Gjakova, 50 000, 


Aid & Storage Centre

Str. Tirana p.n,

Gjakova, 50 000.

Camp Pjetershan

Str. Lugu i mire, Village Pjetershan, Gjakova, 50 000, 

YMCA Shop-1 Gjakova

Str. Skenderbeu,

Gjakova, 50 000, 


YMCA Shop-1 Prishtina 

Str. Ardian Krasniqi

Gjakova, 50 000, 


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YMCA™ & Young Men's Christian Association™ are registered trademarks of the World Alliance of YMCA's within the Republic of Kosovo territory. The YMCA Movement in Kosovo is the only entity permitted to use the YMCA™ & Young Men's Christian Association™ trademarks.

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