Partnerët gjatë periudhës së Strategjisë së Vizionit 2020 (2016-2020) /
Partners during the Vision 2020 Strategy period (2016-2020)
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Partnerët gjatë periudhës së Strategjisë së Vizionit 2020 (2016-2020) /
Partners during the Vision 2020 Strategy period (2016-2020)
(klikoni për të hapur / click to open)
Çmimet shtetërore janë mirënjohje për personat të cilët kanë kontribuar gjatë vitit të kaluar. Dhënia e çmimeve ka filluar në vitin 2014 dhe tani ato janë të prezantuara në Asamblenë Kombëtare të Përgjithshme.
​Fillimisht kanë egzistuar vetëm tre çmime, mirëpo numri i këtyre çmimeve është rritur me rritjen e lëvizjes tonë. Vetëm dy çmime nuk janë paraqitur çdo vit, Çmimi i shërbimit i cili është mirënjohje për shërbimin e personave në lëvizjen tonë dhe Çmimi George Williams i cili i jepet një personi i cili meriton mirënjohje për kontributin e tij personal pa pagesë në zhvillimin e organizatës.
The National Awards recognise individuals who have contributed over the last year. The awards started in 2014 and are now presented at the National General Assembly. Originally there was only three awards but this has grown over the years as our movement gets bigger.
Only two awards are not presented annually, the service award which recognises service to the movement and the George Williams Award which is given to an outstanding individual who deserves recognition for their personal contribution to the development of the organisation.
George Williams Award
Service Awards
2015- Janet Morrow Pate
2016- Adrian Davies
2017- Arne Nielson
2018- Paul Smillie
2020- Ken Montgomery
2021- Jerry Huncosky
2023- Chis Hand
2016- Besnik Leka (Past President)
2017- Milot Ferizi (Past President)
2018- Andrew Hamilton (Fundraising)
2018- Jaakko Koikkalainen (Former NGS YMCA Finland)
2019- YMCA Fairthorne Group (Partner YMCA)
2019- Kadrush Grezda (Y's Men Architect)
2020- Adrian Davies (Volunteer Service)
2021- Fellanza Taraku (Peja Staff)
2021- Florije Lluka (Retiree)
2023- Municipality of Gjakova (Support & Service)
2023- Municipality of Peja (Support & Service)
2023- Municipality of Prishtina (Support & Service)
Milot Ferizi (Past President) and Petrit Bejdoni
National Awards 2017
Volunteer of the Year
Young Volunteer of the Year
2014- Shqiprim Hyseni
2015- Rinor Hasi
2016- Anjesa Haziraj
2017- Erëlinda Avdimetaj
2018- Elda Brada
2019- Liridon Bunjaku
2020- Lira Shabi
2014- Eli Bytyqi
2015- Dren Haxhija
2016- Diellza Salicana
2017- Drilon Rogova
2018- Edon Sejdaj
2019- Ola Zuka
2020- Rona Kingji
2023- Erisa Dervishaj (Peja)
2023- Breta Haraqija (Gjakova)
2023- Ema Koxha (Prishtina)
Young Leader of the Year
Attendee of the Year
2016- Don Dobruna
2017- Ari Sylafeta
2018- Fjolla Kulludra
2019- Jora Pruthi
2020- Anda Kumnova
2014- Gentiana Lakuci
2015- Ardit Gllogjani
2016- Baton Luzha
2017- Gardis Gaxherri
2019- Sara Ramadani
2020- Agon Goqi
National Awards 2015
National Awards 2019
Project of the Year
2016- Leadership Program (National)
2017- Community Leadership (Junik)
2018- #Iamwhole (National)
2019- Retail Department
2020- Leadership Program (National)
2021- US Embassy work with Afghanistan Refuges
External Awards
2017- Peja Municipality NGO of the year
2018- CRMC Award for implementation of "Youth for the future project" with Kosovar Serbs
2018- D4D National Award for "NGO of the Year promoting paternity and parenthood"
2019- Peja Municipality Award for "Creating opportunities for the youth and institutional cooperation"
2019- Gjakova Municipality Award for the contribution made to the campaign "Race for Clean Gjakova"
2021- YMCA Europe Peace Medal
2021- Recognition for supporting the Association of the blind people in Gjakova
2021- Gjakova Municipality Award for the contribution made to the campiagn "Race for Clean Gjakova"